How To Be The Positive Leader Your Child Needs

As a parent, you want your child to grow into a confident, respectable, hardworking, and courageous individual. All these qualities from lessons taught to your child by you.

Children look on their parents as role models, as such it’s your responsibility to be the positive leader your child needs. 

Without the right guidance, children run the risk of growing into adults with a lack of self-confidence, no clear understanding of boundaries, and no self-control. 

To ensure you instill the valuable lessons your child needs, you’ll need to be a positive leader that will teach them to have control over their own lives to make great things happen.

This post will go through lessons that will help your child become confident in themselves, their decision-making, and the choices they make. 

Being A Positive Leader 

Being a positive leader for your child starts with being a positive role model for them to look to teach them essential life lessons.

Being a positive leader doesn’t have to be difficult, it can simply be incorporated into your day-to-day life as a commitment to teaching your child different lessons.

The following will go through ways in which you can implement these lessons as the positive leader your child needs. 

Motivate Them To Believe In Themselves

Many children grow into adults that lack self-confidence. A lack of self-confidence in adulthood leads to low self-esteem and poor decision-making. The foundation of self-confidence is instilled throughout childhood. 

To be a positive leader in teaching your child self-confidence it’s important that you help them believe in their capabilities.

This can be done by positive communication, positive recognition, and positive reinforcement. This can be done in the way to praise them for their small wins, encourage them for effort or reward them for their good behavior. 

Positive verbal reinforcement is an effective way to show your child that not only do you believe in their abilities, that they are doing such a great job that they should believe in them too. 

Demonstrate An Ability To Listen

Being a good listener is a valuable trait to have at any age. However, if you model the behavior of talking over people and raising your voice, chances are your children will pick up on this and replicate the behavior. 

To be the positive leader your child needs, you need to practice what you preach and demonstrate an ability to listen.

Listening intently to others, waiting to respond, and acknowledging other people’s points of view are all great ways to teach your child how to listen well.

Demonstrating this will teach your child not only how to listen but how to respond calmly and respectfully toward others.

Teach Them To Embrace Failure

Now… this one can be difficult. Whilst few people enjoy failure, learning to embrace failure is a core skill that many adults let alone children manage to master. If you are someone who struggles to embrace failure, this is a lesson you can take with your child. 

Being able to embrace failure and continue to keep trying is a characteristic that makes for a resilient and courageous individual. To be the positive leader your child needs, this is something that you’ll need to demonstrate. 

Next time something doesn’t quite go to plan when your child is around, rather than get frustrated, explain to them how you failed and that it’s okay to fail. Let them know that you are going to try again and that those who continue after failure are strong.

Demonstrating how to embrace failure will teach your child a lesson on how to proceed when things don’t go to plan. 

Instill Emotional Intelligence

Most people avoid living and working with those that exhibit traits of selfishness and arrogance.

To live and work in society, it’s essential to have qualities of emotional intelligence and consider other people. To be a positive leader to your child, these are traits that you need to demonstrate in all aspects of your life. 

For example, if your child is having a tantrum and they’ve wound you up to the point where you’re frustrated and angry.

Instead of raising your voice or walking away, kneel to their level to look them in the eye and explain to them that you understand that they are upset and that you are there for them when they are ready to talk properly.

This will demonstrate to them that you have recognized their feelings and understood that there is probably more to their outburst. 

You can also demonstrate emotional intelligence in the way you respond to a person’s situation, whether it’s in person, on tv, or a character in a book. 

Being a positive leader by modeling emotional intelligence will instill lessons that your child will need to navigate life in a social setting. 

Encourage Exploration

Having a curiosity for exploration along with self-confidence is the foundation for an individual’s ability to make independent decisions and confident choices. One way of instilling these foundations is through the encouragement of exploration. 

Being the positive leader your child needs involves encouraging them to embark on adventures in unfamiliar settings to put them in a situation where they need to practice their problem-solving abilities. 

You can do this by encouraging your child to try a new sport, a new hobby, or taking them to a new place for the day. Throughout these situations, encourage your child and reassure them. These experiences will help them to navigate new surroundings.

It will also develop their creativity and teach them to move out of their comfort zones. Moving out of comfort zones with your reassurance will help to build the foundation of confident decision-making and problem-solving. 

Practice Resilience

Resilience is another core trait that your child will need in their life. This is a critical trait when it comes to overcoming challenges and hardships. An individual who is resilient and takes a challenge in their stride is someone who can work to overcome whatever obstacle they are faced with. 

To be the leader your child needs, you need to help them become resilient. To do this, you will need to actively participate in helping your child overcome challenges or obstacles they are facing. 

For example, if you notice that your child is struggling with a homework assignment that they feel like giving up on, help them to create a plan or strategy to overcome the challenge.

Ask them to explain which parts they are struggling with. From there help them break the task into smaller tasks that are navigable, encouraging them to take the lead on coming up with solutions. From there, help them get the job done and reflect on the process you just went through. 

This is a great way to really work with your child to give them a working example of resilience. Making an active participant in helping them navigate tasks will strengthen their ability to problem solve. It will also give them the confidence to know that they can do it. 

Next time they lack self-confidence in completing a task or facing a problem, remind them of the time they were really resilient and completed their homework assignment. 


Nobody’s perfect but we can only hope that what we model to our children will help them turn into bright and loving individuals. The points above will help you to practice and demonstrate positive leadership.